
dõTerra Essential Oils

Natural aromatic compounds found in seeds, bark, stems, roots and the flowers of plants are used to make essential oils. These are very important in aromatherapy, and dõTerra is a leader in the essential oils market.

Each batch of oils is rigorously tested for quality and safety, and they are classified as Therapeutic Grade — no fillers, synthetics, fragrances, perfumes or pesticides in dōTERRA essential oils.

Discover how you can use high quality dõTerra essential oils to create a positive environment for your health and wellness.  dõTerra oils can be used topically, aromatically and internally for many concerns such as:

  • Reducing sad and anxious feelings
  • Relaxing and calming emotions, soothing away tension, relieving restlessness, and eliminating irritability
  • Relieving occasional sleeplessness
  • Supporting immune and hormonal systems
  • Providing natural First Aid suggestions
  • Detoxing your home ( seasonal or environmental threats)

To order online, or to become an Independent Product Consultant, please visit:
